How's My Driving?

Many of the largest insurance and private companies in the USA and Canada have closely studied the impact of Safety Hotline Services and found a consistent result - at least a 20% improvement in crash rates and that vendor selection makes a difference.

Proven Effective

One leading National insurance carrier conducted a "head-to-head", two-year comparison study that concluded; "SafetyFirst saved us the largest amount of money, had the best return of those services we use, and by far had the most superior service" Having earned "Best in Class" honors, this insurer now uses SafetyFirst's program exclusively.

Member NUCA

Presently, we enjoy a full, exclusive partnership with NUCA - the National Utility Contractor's Association due to their two-year results study that showed our program produces results. If you are a member of NUCA, contact us for special programs and pricing.

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